St的潜力. 保罗的中途岛飙升
The Midway Chamber of Commerce aims to “build a stronger Midway” in the work we do and support. And from our offices at the corner of Snelling and University in St. 保罗, in the famous green-tiled Spruce Tree Centre, we have a birds-eye view of our community.
街对面,正在安装一个 33英尺高,88英尺宽的loon雕塑 — “The Calling,” created by renowned international artist Andy Scott. 这幅作品在各方面都令人印象深刻, 在地位, 在材料, 在的意义, 是的, in location — the corner of University and Snelling anchoring the corner of the United Village Development and in many ways the gateway to the Midway. 今年6月, PK’s place, a state-of-the-art universally accessible play area,向公众开放. 同样是在6月,音乐爱好者享受了为期两天的活动 分离的节日. All of this is happening just outside the acclaimed 安联保险领域, which routinely hosts sellouts for the Minnesota United FC and in May welcomed the U.S. 国家女子足球队在球场上.
On a daily basis when I leave my office, I can see signs of progress that are palpable and tangible. 有卡车、栅栏、设备和工人. Looking past the construction activity, you can see people enjoying the stadium and new playground.
While all this is happening now, there is even more expected next year. 酒店停车坡道的计划, 办公大楼, restaurant pavilion and the public infrastructure to support it have all been approved.
There is no adequate way to convey the excitement, hope and opportunity this all represents. Facilities and features that will transform this prominent intersection, 吸引并欢迎游客来到中途岛. Commerce and hospitality will help connect the development to the surrounding neighborhoods, 将中途岛提升为一个适宜居住的地方, 工作和娱乐. 业务 and employment opportunities will soon become available as these plans move from the drawing board to reality.
Oftentimes, we have heard people groan about the slow pace in which this work occurred. 我们都希望这个网站早点开发出来吗? 当然. But a pandemic and other factors delayed progress (anyone who follows developments or even store openings knows of the number of delays a project can incur). Will the final project have exactly what every member of the community wants? 我们知道那是不可能的, but the development team has listened to the concerns of the neighborhood and in my opinion found uses that can be enjoyed by neighbors and visitors alike.
As someone who has been around this neighborhood since the 1990s, I can say large portions of this property sat under-utilized as we all wondered what would happen with the “bus barn site.” Now that construction is underway, I’m calling for an end to that tired backward storyline. 联合村的场地建设正在进行中. 公共空间将于今年开放. 第一个垂直建筑将于明年建成.
这不是一个愿景或建议. 这正在发生. 现在正在发生.
另一个重要的故事是投资. 由博士领导. 比尔McGuire, a group of largely local investors is infusing over $200 million of private capital to bring these projects to reality. 这输液, 与安联的建设相结合, represents over a half a billion dollars of state-of-the-art facilities for the Midway. The scale of these investments is beyond the level that communities position themselves against other markets to attract and support. 这项投资将进入中途岛.
另一个重要的因素是地理位置. 联合村的遗址在历史上已经荒废了. It also was the center of civil unrest and major damage in 2020 following the murder of George Floyd. 它受到工业污染,需要修复. It sits prominently on a primary gateway to the Minnesota State Fair and on the Green Line LRT “mid-way” between the two downtowns. The location for this development is one that communities prioritize for revitalization, believing that success will have a catalytic impact beyond its immediate boundaries. 这个开发项目的位置是中途岛.
另一个重要的故事是社区. The United Village site sits on the border of the Hamline/Midway and Union Park neighborhoods. 它位于中途岛商业走廊的中心, and many of the businesses are members of the organization that I have the privilege of leading. The community has high ambition and expectation for what this means to them. Although the overwhelming majority of investment has come from Dr. McGuire and the private sector, the community is committed as a stakeholder.
There is excitement about how the vitality generated will cascade down Snelling and University.
Occasionally, I get asked about what the future of the Midway will look like. 我们的邻居总是在变化. 我在中途岛商会待了九年, we went from the new Green Line to the A-Line Bus Rapid Transit, 安联保险领域, as well as several developments along and near University Avenue.
中途岛的未来就在我们眼前成形, 我们所看到的是如此令人鼓舞. The projects to date have been of the highest quality and represent great urban design. 作为中途岛的利益相关者和管理者, 我有充分的理由相信这一进展将继续下去, 接下来的一切都将同样伟大. Join me in embracing both what is possible and what is actually happening right now. 真的很出色. The Midway deserves and will embrace this generational opportunity as we all make our community stronger.